Friday, December 18, 2009

Vent changes and surgery date

Logan continues to do well. He is still on 28% oxygen and is now OFF THE VENTILATOR and on cpap mode all the time. I hope he does well this time! He is still at 0.8 on prednisone. He has a surgery date for Wednesday 12-23-09 to repair hernias, do the inisiant if I spelled that right, and G-tube placement. Please pray for him that all goes well. I really hope he will get to come home in January.

Jacob and Andrew are having better days. They are still congested, but not coughing like the used to. They have been sleeping through most of the night. Jacob more than Andrew. Jacob is awake a lot more and loves being held ALL THE TIME. That kid cries anytime he is not held, but he can literaly throw a fit from one end of the room to the other. If he is on his belly he kicks himself "crying the entire time of course" from one end of the room to the other then turns himself and kicks himself across the room some more. The tips of his toes have skin peeling on them from this. I'm going to make him start wearing shoes I guess lol.

Andrew is so sweet and lovable he is to busy smiling and cooing at you to eat him bottle most of the time. He holds his head up better every day. He turns himself in circles on his belly buy doesn't move like Jacob. I wish Jacob would smile. :-(

Ava has these building blocks she got from Jennifer Brandt. (Thank You) I bought her some for Christmas too. She LOVES THEM. She is using one right now pretending it is a bar of soap I guess. She is washing under her arm pits with it in the living room while she watches her Phineas and Ferb. She is telling me the colors of all her blocks and building mommy castles.

I am worried about breastfeeding. Seems like no matter how much I pump, I am getting less and less milk. As of yesterday I officially have not produced enough to feed Andrew and Jacob without formula added or thawing from the deep freezer. I have been trying to save what I have left in the freezer for Logan while he is in the NICU. I only have maybe 30 5-6 oz bags left. Enough for a few more weeks. I will continue to pump like I did with Ava until the don't work at all. With Ava my milk supply did not drop like this until she was 10 months old. I guess when I run out whatever I can pump I will split 3 ways and supplement formula. I guess I should be glad I have been able to fully breastfeed 3 babies for almost 5 months. I just realized the boys are 5 months old today.

I think I will get around to decorating the Christmas tree today. It has been sitting in the stand since Monday. I just feel so blah. I don't have a desire decorate it. Maybe when I finally finish pumping...........takes me over an hour to pump 6oz except 1st thing in the morning it takes me an hour to pump 12 oz if I am lucky :-(

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog from facebook and sent you a message there. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I often, admittedly, feel sorry for myself because we lost one of our sons to TTTS but in reading your blog I realize that there are tough parts about every situation, every TTTS situation.
    I wanted to let you know that my survivor was born 6 weeks eary in Feb...making him 10 months old (8.5 months corrected). He has het to figure out how to get himself across the room, mad or happy. It's coming but it's not anywhere near there yet. So I think Jacob is doing amazing. I wish he could be happier for you...that is a tough road to travel. Our prem was like that for 3 months or so and a feeding change (rid of some formula, nursing position change and getting rid of nipple shields) made all the difference.
    Good luck you and yours. I am going to watch this blog and pray for all of you!
