Friday, July 29, 2011

Major respiratory issues!

Trying fro my phone. Jacob had his tonsils and adenoid removed yesterday and he came home later that night. He was doing fairly well. He woke up in pain almost hourly last night. Today he spiked a fever and vomited around 2pm. Shortly after his breathing became very labored. I took him to the ER. He ended up requiring oxygen. After several hours he had vomited 4 more time. They found that he had aspirate into his left upper lobe of how lung. His oxygen levels dropped low. He ended up requiring a lot of oxygen and they almost had to intubate him. His carbon monoxide levels were elevated to 58 normal being 35-45. They said he had impending respiratory failure...they decided to transfer him to all children's hospital about an hour away. After 3 hours of continuous nebs and lots of functioning he stabilized. About 10 minutes ago we watched him lift off in the helicopter. We are driving to st. Pete now. He is on a nasal Canada now at 2 liters his oxygen was back in the 90's and his co2 is 34. He is going to be in the pediatric intensive care unit at all children's. Thanks for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no... just awful. Will be watching and waiting for some good news and glad he didn't get intubated, I know how stressful this is, I'm think about you all....
