I'm happy to report Jacob has made it nearly a week without any major vomiting (I think) I'm starting to increase his feeds back up to feeding over an hour instead of 2, 3, or 4. I am also giving him 50cc once or twice a day thickened in a slow flow nipple still. He is doing well with this. I try to do it 1st thing in the morning and right before bed. He won't take a pacifier for me and I refuse to let him loose the ability to suck or swallow...so this is my compromise with doing tube feedings. Jacob also has the smell of pediasure coming from him all the time. I guess it is just like when someone eats fish all the time, they smell like fish...right??? I told the speech therapist that I was going to start pureeing baby food and whole milk and feeding it to him...she told me I actually could if I wanted to and that their are cook books out their that tell you what to do to give them everything they need. I am considering trying this 1 feed of the day, but I will not stop his pedisure until I have discussed it with his pediatrician and possibly nutritionist. As his speech therapist said she knows they do it for adults, but she is unsure about children. I have already pushed water down baby food through his tube before and I have never had an issue.
While the physical therapist was working with Jacob today we discussed what the plan was with Andrew. He is going to start physical therapy after the new year for sure and said from just watching him play in the baby cage she can tell he does some thing off the normal and that he appears to be low toned. I expressed my concerns about how he still can not stand without holding on to things etc. She told me she does not think he is anywhere near walking yet. She said he does not stand up strait and he still leans to hold himself up. She said she thinks he will be walking by the spring time. This is very depressing to me. As I see most my friends' preemies walking or near walking that are younger than mine. Makes me wonder what other things he may have issues with as he gets older. He just doesn't seem to be catching up as fast as my friends' kids. I can happily report that Andrew can now clap his hands and wave bye bye! :-)
My husband stayed very busy cleaning our disaster of a house yesterday. He cleaned every room in the house and put away Mt. Gunter as we call the massive pile of laundry that accumulates on our floor for weeks at a time. Every time we spend hours putting it away we kept saying that we will never let it get like that again...then we blink and the mountain has returned.
It was bitter sweet putting the decorations on the tree and handing the stockings today. I actually held back tears as I pulled out the little blue paper ornament with Logan's name and his foot print on it as it adorned his room last year around this time. I remember last Christmas like it was yesterday. We were so excited he was getting better and then he caught another infection that he ended up on isolation for. I remember visiting him on Christmas wearing the lovely yellow isolation gowns. I remember his Mickey Mouse stocking with his name we made for him at Down Town Disney pinned to his board in his room. We had wrapped a few small toys for him and put them in his stocking to open on Christmas. He had a beanie baby bear with a Santa hat on in his crib that was given to him by the hospital staff. There are lots of things on our tree this year to remind us of our baby. I have his blue paper foot print, a few months ago I had some things made and placed in these bead things..it has his foot prints and the quote "An Angel in the book of life wrote down Baby Logan's Birth. And whispered as she closed the book "to beautiful for earth."", I also have 5 ornaments on the tree that Jack made last year while staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Tampa while we were at All Children's doing Jacob's MRI. He made 1 for each of the boys, 1 for Ava, and 1 that said The Gunter's." I thought this was so sweet that he stayed up late that night to make them while I stayed with Jacob. Finally the last precious reminder of Logan on the tree is the 3 baby's 1st Christmas ornament that my friend Jill bought me. People will probably think it is odd, but I hung them all 3 of the same branch as they were still all with me during their 1st Christmas.
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The Tree |
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The stockings |
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The new festive living room lol |
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Logan's forever contribution to our Christmas tree. |
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