So Miss Hannah turned 1 on May 8th. We went out to dinner for her birthday and had cake at home. Miss Ava turns 6 next Thursday on June 6th. The boys will be FOUR on July 18th. I can't believe it has been 4 years since My world was turned upside down. It has taken me this long to really accept our new way of life with special needs, child loss, and just the stresses of multiples and lots of children. I am really happy to say that we are JUST HAPPY. There is nothing major going on outside of our daily struggles with Jacob's disabilities, Andrew's sensory issues, children being children, and money in general. We have learned to embrace our life and what God has given us. Our children are overall healthy and Jack and I are working on getting ourselves healthy.
Ava and the boys have 3 more days of school left before they are out for the summer. Ava will be home schooled next year and the boys will return to the same school they went to this year. It was nice having an entire school year of mid morning nap time and free time to grocery shop and have lunch with my husband without all 4 children in tow. Miss Hannah has been with us of course. I look forward to a summer of no car rider lines and no waiting on the school bus to come at random times to pick up Andrew and Jacob. I have plans for lots of outdoor fun this summer with all the children
I cleaned the tadpole breeding ground aka our pool about a week ago. We have had a head start to summer vacation and have spent a lot of time over the past few days swimming. My skin is screaming for me to run for cover. I think we need better sun block. This weekend the children have woke me up every morning early like 730 8am asking if they can go in the pool yet and don't stop all day even after you have let them stay out in the pool for hours. Almost regret cleaning it. LOL
We are having birthday party for all the children at 1 time this year. So since Ava's birthday is in the middle and she thinks everything is all about her anyway I chose June to do the party and because it will be the 1st weekend school is out for the summer. So we will be celebrating the birth of all 5 of our children this Saturday. I'm excited for this week. School is out Wednesday. Ava's actual birthday is Thursday (and pay day woo hoo) Friday my parents and sister are coming in town for the week, the birthday party is Saturday and we are planning a family beach day on Sunday with all my sisters, parents, nieces, nephews etc. My parents will be here until the following Saturday. On the 14th we will celebrate my dad's 53rd birthday. Just really looking forward to family time over the next week and lots of memories.
Jacob had his yearly IEP meeting last week. I'm excited for what they will expect for him next year. I pray often that he does start to do more cognitive things besides watch TV. I love how he is starting to be more engaged in more programs besides Mickey Mouse. I personally thinks he can see what is in front of him. He can't track in a circle or if you move things to fast he will loose sight of them, but eventually move his head so he can see again. I am trying to prepare myself to be more engaged in my kids education and not rely on the teachers. I signed up for and plan on working with all 3 of the big kids on the programs throughout the summer. I think it will be good to do some hand over hand with Jacob even if he just enjoys listening the the songs. He loves the attention.
Andrew has an appoint in Orlando on the 10th I believe with the behavioral/developmental pediatrician. Jacob had a recent GI appointment and all is well he is in the 50th percentile for weight and height. Jacob is getting chubby! Ava will have her 6 year old check up later this month. Jacob had botox about 3 weeks ago. He apparently can't get phenol right now because no one is making it. So, I'm really worried about that right now, the botox is doing its job.
I'm sure there is lots of other things I am forgetting to mention. I also write in Jacob's blog and I had a personal blog that I keep more as a diary for Hannah at From me trying to keep up with all 3 blogs I feel like I have not been as dedicated to my 1st blog.
Oh Jack and I got FitBit Ones to help loose weight. Jack is down 18lbs I believe and I lost 10, and the fell off the bandwagon a little and gained some back. We have a lot of fund competing with our friends about about who is taking more steps a day etc. I so badly want to try and stay on a healthy track for our family this summer. We have been taking family walks in the afternoon when Jack is home from work and Jack and I had been walking after the children went to school. I think just walking as a family has helped bring us closer together and is just a stress reliever in general. I would love to see Jack and I both 100lbs less next Summer.
1st day @ the Gunter water park for the season |
Jacob and Andrew waiting on the school bus. The background is Jack's "healthy" breakfast lol |
Ava and Hannah |
Proof of my stroller addiction. I NEED them all. LOL All 4 fit into the trunk of my van at 1 time. |
Hannah's smash cake for her 1st birthday. |
I love ruffle butts I've developed a new co-op facebook boutique buying addiction. I love cheap ruffle butt cloths lol |
Andrew always holds Jacob's hand or tries to help push his wheel chair when getting off the school bus. |
Another waiting on the school bus morning picture. |
A last minute stop at the beach after a St. Pete doctor appt in April |